Herborea is a company whose roots lie in an experience of more than 20 years. It was born and developed from the numerous travels around the world of its two founders. Thanks to their thirst for discovery and knowledge, over time we have come into contact with stories, rituals and knowledge which in turn have given rise to a lifestyle marked by well-being. Throughout its history, Herborea has developed several brands, each associated with a different geographical area and with the recovery of a specific tradition of natural remedies.The production chains of each company brand have all been structured through a constant and methodical selection of suppliers and commercial partners. The principles on which they are based are:- respect for natural ecosystems- the active and ethical involvement of the local communities of the different raw material procurement regions- the use of low environmental impact production and processing methodsAll our products are made with full respect for people, nature and the environment. We maintain close relationships with our suppliers by visiting them on site in different regions of the world, to make sure that you, by purchasing one of our products, have not only the highest quality, but also all our passion, commitment and experience. The marketing of these products has developed through different channels: today Herborea has a solid network of more than 250 physical retailers in Italy and Europe as well as a consolidated online sales structure both through its own e-commerce and other marketplaces.Among the brands developed by Herborea during its twenty-year activity, one of the main is the PALOSANTO brand, whose supply chain is concentrated in Ecuador and Peru and is based on the marketing of products obtained from Bursera Graveolens. The continuous development of the collection, selection and marketing structure of Palo Santo has gone hand in hand with the growth and structuring of Herborea itself, which today is the online reference point for the marketing of Palo Santo: Brand n.1 in Europe, is present in the United States and in 2021 it will land in other continents. It also has an articulated distribution in hundreds of physical stores throughout Italy and Europe. This supply chain was born and developed based on mandatory principles such as:- Eco-sustainability of harvesting and processing methods- Safeguarding the habitat of the collection areas- Stable collaboration with companies, cooperatives, local communities according to ethical working relationships- Constant selection and monitoring of suppliers in order to ensure compliance with the first three principles. Natural and eco-sustainable, our Palo Santo is harvested from fallen plants at the end of their life cycle and left to mature on the ground for at least 3 years. Once harvested, the wood is cut and packaged by hand. Guaranteed by smoke analysis carried out in European laboratories, it is also fair trade, as it is collected and selected in collaboration with local communities according to ethical and fair working relationships.